Oxygen therapy aids in promoting health and well-being, ensuring the inhalation of pure oxygen in a closed environment. It improves the nutrition of surrounding tissues and stimulates the growth of new tissues that work to deliver blood to the body’s affected areas. Oxygen therapy activates immune functions, delays aging, supports brain function, reduces inflammation complications, and accelerates wound healing due to diabetes or radiation exposure. It also helps in treating air bubbles in blood vessels, acute anemia, sudden deafness or blindness, carbon monoxide poisoning, sleep disorders, skin problems, and more.
Package Benefits
- Consultation with a Lifestyle Consultant.
- Consultation with a Nutritionist.
- Two Oxygen Therapy Sessions.
- Chest X-ray Imaging.
- Comprehensive Laboratory Examination.
- Accelerating the healing of chronic wounds.
- Improving muscle regeneration.
- Increasing collagen production for healthy, youthful skin.
- Boosting immune system strength.
- Stimulating the regeneration of brain cells, nerves, and stem cells.