
Quick scan produces images of the inside of your body, providing valuable
information for evaluating the heart, lung, bone fractures, joint inflammation, and intestinal blockage.


Diagnostic and screening procedure to detects breast cancer early before symptoms appear and before it can be detected through self-examination. Undergoing regular screenings reduces the risk of death from breast cance

Bone Mineral Density

Detecting osteoporosis and assessing fracture risk by measure bone mineral density, including calcium content and other minerals, in bone areas such as the spine, hip, and forearm.


Used for diagnosis and treatment guidance, providing accurate pictures of the inside of your body. It offers valuable information for assessing various diseases and conditions, including fetal evaluation, abdominal and pelvic examinations, blood vessel flow assessment, thyroid gland examination, and cardiac evaluation.


A nuclear medical examination produces images that illustrate the functioning of your organs, including the detection of tumors, the blood flow to your heart, and the areas of your brain that exhibit the highest or lowest activity levels.


Imaging of the body’s biological functions to detect tumors in the early stages, and detect some diseases before symptoms appear, such as Alzheimer’s disease

CT Scan

Multi-angle X-rays to generate cros-sectional images of the body, asisting in the detection of cancer, kidney stones, heart and lung disease, brain damage, and internal injuries. Our state-of-the-art devices reduce radiation dose.

MRI Scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that utilizes a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of organs and tissues. It is instrumental in detecting tumors and assessing the health of the heart, brain, spine, breast, abdomen, pelvis, and joi.

Interventional Radiology

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedure under the guidance of imaging. Interventional radiology can be used instead of surgery for many conditions, enabling the restoration of activity and health in record time.